View Full Version : Making Pain For Baby

simon p. murphy
12-09-2008, 10:31 PM
Ella normally left the club alone, but this guy seemed special. He had a gleam in his steel-blue eyes that was something other than lust. Ella liked that quality.

He was dressed in a nice Italian suit, and his hair had a wild charm to it, although she wouldn't have strictly called it 'neat'. He led her by the arm into a taxi and they drove into the hills overlooking the harbor. He wasn't cheap when he tipped the driver, but he also had the modesty to not make a show of it. Ella liked that quality too.

He lived in a nice enough place hidden behind the really expensive houses with a sea-view. Probably just far enough to not be bothered by late parties, she figured. It was a huge place, although not the most contemporary. It seemed to be huge with a purpose, Ella thought as she slipped off her heels in the porch. Not much furniture, but nice enough.

The host nimbly produced a red wine which Ella accepted. Ella looked into a corridor sealed off with a black curtain, sipping a little and feeling the tug of exploration. Ella jumped slightly when she saw the curtain ripple. She could almost have sworn that she saw a massive, pudgy hand in the shadows behind the curtain, but it must have been some fleshy-looking duvet or a bunch of cushions. He asked her what she was looking at, and she didn't say anything. He didn't seem to like her doing that, and pulled her into his arms. He led her into a tiny living-room (where was the rest of the house?) and they sank down into a deep settee. There were bookshelves lining the walls of the room. He seemed to love books - old, old books. Perhaps he was some kind of collector, or maybe an investor.

Then, there was only total silence and total darkness.

Light seeped through the slits of Ella's eyes, and a seashell-hum came into her ears. She was cold, and she was tied firmly to a chair. A blurry form moved about before her. As his figure came into focus, she saw that he was shirtless and covered with huge, painful-looking red marks, like sucking marks, Ella thought. She also saw some strange-looking metal instrument in his hand, perhaps scissors, or some special kind of knife.

"What... are you doing to me?" Ella slurred as she wriggled in her tight bonds.

There was a deep moaning from somewhere in the house, like bellows of hunger from some huge beast.

"I'm making pain," he stated matter-of-factly as he gazed deeply into her eyes. "I'm making pain for baby". She now recognized the emotion conveyed by his eyes - desperate devotion, to whom or what she did not know.

Ella screamed the most horrific scream she had ever produced in the duration of her life. She screamed because she didn't understand, and yet she understood more than enough. Down in the harbor, the boats blasted their horns in what seemed to be mocking response.

G. S. Carnivals
12-10-2008, 05:44 AM
:eek:, :eek:, and :eek:!

12-30-2008, 11:47 PM